Qui Suis-je
Un grand nombre des services proposés aux entrepreneurs pour optimiser les performances au bureau
Earth Workshop:
The Foundations of
Feng Shui

This workshop will allow you to discover the basics of Feng-Shui, the importance of the environment,
the movement of vital energy in space: the "chi", the balance of yin and yang, stairs, mirrors, disturbing arrows.
Metal workshop:
The colors that make me feel good

This workshop will allow you to discover the colors /shapes/materials/the best furniture locations that energize you, calm you, control you in your decoration and how to use them to improve your well-being at home.
Water Workshop:
Geobiology in connection with theFeng Shui.

This workshop will allow you to discover the underground effects that drain your vitality, the effects of electromagnetic-magnetic waves that are very harmful to our health and our rest. You will discover how to protect yourself and avoid sabotaging yourself.
Wood workshop:
Analyze your plan in Feng-Shui.

This workshop will allow you to discover the cycle of the elements – the areas of the house that correspond to the different areas of our life (career – family – finances – projects etc…) and how to activate them. It will be a question of discovering how to decode the plan of your habitat.
Fire Workshop:
Clean up memory

This discovery workshop allows you to understand the importance of storage, filing, cleaning with simple & easy techniques for more peace of mind on a daily basis. As well as the usefulness of Stones, Crystals, Incense and Salts to clean one's interiors and feel serene at home.
A certificate at the end of the 5 workshops